Thursday, May 22, 2008


The longest haul of the week was today. Over 800 miles from Armadillo, TX to Tulepo, Ms. We drove alllll day long through Texas, Oklahoma, Alabama, Tennessee, and now in Mississippi. Whew! We found dunner take out at Olive Garden and some beers which were well deserved. To round out our day, Elvis was chillin in the hotel lobby! We HAD to get our pictures taken with him.

Bonsai is adjusting much better. She's such a good girl! We have been bringing her in to the hotels first in her carrier and then bringing the rest of our things in next. Tonight when I came up to the door with the final load I was able to see her cage from the window. She was ROCKING in it just like a little Tasmanian Devil. It was really funny! Definitely becoming quite the road kitty....

Tomorrow we have the last 600 miles to go and then we will be in James Island at Crabby's house. We are super stoked to have been able to make this drive in 4 days so we have all day Saturday to let our road flattened hineys re-inflate :) Really, car butt is in full force!


H said...

my family is in town and we are happily following your journey. lots of love to you, mom, and bonsai! we are super stoked that bonsai is adjusting! i miss you incredibly!-Hee Hee

PhilliesGurrl said...

I sure do hope mom gave Elvis the right number to reach me!! HA HA! I'm glad to see your long ass journey is coming to a safe end. I can't wait be able to DRIVE to see you!! Super stoked for a fabulous summer full of close friends and FAMILY!! YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

Its been a blast following you guys !! Thinking of you still......Love, Max&Co