Saturday, May 17, 2008

Wow, this is harder than I thought it would be! I've lived out here for 6 years and have accumulated a ton of possessions. I've always believed in the temporary, that nothing is forever, but wow it's not easy to make these choices. Not only am I moving my life, clothes, books, SHOES, etc, but I'm also moving my business! I have a lot of art supplies, jewelry bench, TOOLS.... It all has to fit into one big box. Kinda crazy how you have to make decisions about what to take, what to leave behind. All afternoon I've been living on the brink of a crazy panic attack. But I'm still feeling strong, keepin it together.

I think I'm leaving my bed. My dresser might have to stay behind too. But whatever, they're just things. Makes you wonder, what is important to YOU? What really matters?

1 comment:

Charles said...

Yeah, us old folks hate to move, how much junk we have to sort through? As you said, "what is important". Most of it is just stuff.