Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Last night was a blast! One final round of friends, booze and poker! Since I had an early morning drive, I had to go to bed at 3:30am. I just didn’t want the fun to end. Crashed on the couch and woke up at 7ish. Mom was already up, Tylenol in her, and ready to go... it was HER idea to do the lemon drop shots last night, not mine. We headed out and hit the road. First stop, McDonalds a.k.a. hangover heaven for some breakfast sammies.

Onwards to The Grand Canyon... Bonsai is handling her new situation like the Rock Star cat that she is. She talked a lot in the beginning about how weird this all is but has since adjusted. We have been keeping the door to her carrier open and she has explored the car a bit. Mostly she chills boat sytlie in the back, which is good since it’s HOT out here!

When we stopped for lunch it was 113F in Needles, CA. This was our first try with taking the mini into a place with us since there was no way we could leave her in the car in that heat. I just carried her in inside her Kennel Cab and set her next to us in Taco Smell. No one seemed to mind or notice really. So it was all good.

When we got back into the car we were getting situated to drive, Mom’s turn. I noticed a TB employee taking a smoke break in her car with the door open. We were both looking down in the car and when I looked up I couldn’t see out of any of the windows! A huge funnel of pebbles, sand and dirt had cycloned right over us. The TB employee didn’t budge. In fact she didn’t even close her car door. It only lasted a second but it came out of nowhere. I figured if she wasn’t bolting we were fine. It wasn’t like it was a tornado or anything, I’ve seen them before out in the distance but I don’t think I’ve even been through one. It was pretty cool.

The 40 is hot and pretty desolate. Lots of semi’s and other random cars. I haven’t been out here since when I first moved out to Cali. Lots of time to think and look at tumbleweeds. I’m pretty tired from last night’s activities but am stoked to see the Canyon which I’ve flown over so many times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, could hardly wait for our home internet to get up and working...just sooooos i could check up on you three. Glad you left Cali with one last good night of fun. Sending angels to go ahead of you all....each step of the way. Keep us posted. Love, M&C